5 Tips to Ace Bathroom Deep Cleaning Routine

Deep Cleaning and Sanitizing the bathroom is at the bottom of my to-do list. But it is a necessary task to do, for everyone. The task can be accomplished by bathroom deep cleaning services in Kolkata and Delhi.

But, house managers( read: housewives) want to do it on their own. So, people, we know the amount of scrubbing needed in the bathroom. Good news, with our hacks mentioned below, your hours of work will be reduced to minutes.

Descaling your shower head to an unclean spot on your mirror, here are some 5 secrets that work all the time.

#Hack 1: Bathroom Deep Cleaning Services that are sheer genius

Watermarks are always present on the Taps and faucet area. This is because water gets splashed in those areas. Use your shaving foam gel or mix half a cup of baking soda with a cup of ammonia. This paste will work wonders on your faucet.

#Hack 2: Make your Pot shine

Coca cola has been a refreshing drink, but it has been a proven toilet cleaner in the world. Don’t believe us? Dump down the whole bottle in the pot and let it sit for some time. Now all you have to do is scrub and flush.

#Hack 3: it’s Time to say bye to Rust

Rust always finds a place near the sink or shower head. Start scrubbing it with toothpaste. But a pro tip: start scrubbing when rust starts to appear.

You can also paint a coat of clear nail polish around the sink area. It will prevent building of rust.

#Hack 4: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is cleanest of them all?

The spots are a bigger indication that water is being kept running while using the sink. To combat this, make a mix of vinegar, dish soap and water.

#Hack 5: Water Coming in needles from Hand shower?

Clogging of shower heads is a normal occurrence. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar dipped in a toothbrush will work like magic. Scrub that toothbrush for some time and within minutes the heads will get unclogged.

Or you can fill a bag with Vinegar and just shower head. Leave it overnight. During your morning shower routine, just scrub the area with a toothbrush. The unclogging will vanish in seconds.

The above hacks help you to avoid bathroom cleaning services. But continuing on the hacks, it is advisable to invest in power brushes. It is a life saver.

You don’t have to bend your back. Adding to it, it will reduce your work with scrubbing.

On Further note

Genius hacks are great, but Zan’s Crew also apply these techniques to deep clean your bathroom. Why be alone when we are here?

Zan’s Crew believe in getting every spot clean and supreme customer experience.



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